October 31, 2010

A Canvas of a Billion Suns

So my Halloween weekend was entirely uneventful. I'm not much of a partier, so I opted to sit at home and watch the Red Wings game with all of the guys in my life (Jeff, my daddy and my brother)! The Red Wings won too, yay! I hope you all had a really fun Halloweekend! I can't wait to read everyone's stories and see everyone's costumes. So far this is my favorite!

We don't get trick or treaters at my house. My mom still has a bowl of candy ready, so me and my brother just went outside and knocked on the door yelling "Trick or Treat!" I got a Reese's, it was delicious!


So we took these pictures at Jeff's sister's house. His 4 year old niece, Elizabeth accompanied us on our photo shoot. She was loving it, she was posing and playing in the leaves with us, it was such a fun time! Some were taken in front of their garage. I told his sister she's not allowed to fix it up because I love the worn out look!

Dress: Heritage 1981, Belt & cardi: F21, Boots: Shoe Dept, Tights: Target

I don't have a whole lot to talk about! This weekend took a lot out of me and to be honest, I'm ready for Monday! I want a new week and a fresh start. Jeff and I have our engagement session on Tuesday, so I can't wait to show you some of those pictures! I think I've decided what to wear but I won't be sure until Tuesday!

Today, my cousin Julie and I did a really fun photo shoot for a guest post I'm working on. It's probably my favorite set of photos so far and I am really looking forward to sharing them this week!


Here is my doll costume that I wore to work. It was just something I threw together because I didn't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a costume! I guess you could also call me a milk maid or Dorothy, but I'm sticking with doll. :)

Thank you all so much for your kind comments! I am honestly so grateful for all of my darling readers, you are all so amazing! This is such a great community to be a part of and I love all of the positive feedback, thank you so much! Once I hit 50 followers on google, I'm going to host my first giveaway!! I know a lot of people wait until they have more followers, but I'm just too excited to wait! :)

October 28, 2010

Hello readers!

Ahh so sorry for my random absence! I've been a terrible blogger this week. But I'm sure you all understand how life can be and how there never seems to be enough time in the day! The weather this week has been completely unpredictable which makes planning outfits/pictures very difficult. And hello to my new readers, I'm so happy you stopped by!

So after some technical difficulties, here is what I wore yesterday. I have been making googly eyes at this dress online for weeks and when I tried it on in the store, it was love! It's the perfect dress for fall. Long sleeves, flattering fit, prefect color.

red dress1
red dress3
Dress, sweater, scarf,necklace: F21/Boots: ebay/Tights: Target

Here is my week summarized in five sentences:
1) Me, Jeff and his mom met some Red Wings and got autographs!
2) Field trip to the apple orchard with the kindergarten classes.
3) Back to work with the personal trainer, running in the crazy wind!
4) Family dinner for my brother's birthday at PF Changs, yummm!
5) Halloween parade/party at the school, I was a doll.

red dress2
This bridge was a gift to my dad for Father's Day this year. I recruited Jeff and his dad to help me build it and it turned out so great! It now rests happily in front of our front porch.

So I realize I wear a whole lot of Forever 21, but I fear they will go out of business if I stop shopping there. Let's face it, I alone keep that store afloat. My closet never lies!

I am one of five bloggers on Amanda's Hello, Blogosphere this week! This is probably my favorite blog feature because she showcases everyone! I get to discover new blogs with each edition!

Monday I want to do a Halloweekend recap. Although I don't have too much going on, I will post my costumes and such. Oh and if you are curious about whatever else I did this week, I update my twitter pretty often! Have a fun, safe weekend everyone!

October 22, 2010

Wisdom hasn't found me yet.

I just realized that I really haven't talked much about my music taste on my blog. So I want to tell you all about my Monday night. Rachael and I went to see Ingrid Michaelson and it was an incredible night! If you don't know who she is, you should definitely give her a listen! Ingrid has really got me through some very dark days. Her lyrics have spoken to me in such a profound, inspiring way! "All you can do is keep breathing."

concert outfit
Top: Gap/Skirt,belt: F21/Cardi: Target/Boots: Ebay/Tights: Walmart

The highlight of the night was actually discovering and falling in love with a new band. The Guggenheim Grotto opened for Ingrid and they are AMAZING. They are two guys from Ireland and played an acoustic set. We met them, got autographs and took this picture.


They were so nice! I love Irish accents! We bought their cds and I haven't stopped listening all week! They have the most relaxing sound and are lyrical geniuses. I love poetic, metaphorical lyrics.

tgg lyrics


So the show was amazing. I was so relaxed and had the best time! Ingrid was hilarious, it was like a mix between stand up and a concert. She had all sorts of funny stories and really interacted with the crowd. I wish I could have met her so I could have told her how truly inspiring her words are!

So there you have it. A sneak peek into my music loving mind. I probably have 20 favorite bands because I can never narrow it down to one! Ingrid is a list topper and now so it The Guggenheim Grotto. I'm sure you will hear more of my music tastes in the future. You should definitely check out this Irish band too, if you like acoustic music, you won't regret giving them a listen!

October 20, 2010

Guest Post at Lifesize Paperdoll.

So I have a guest post written over at Lifesize Paperdoll today! Go read it and let me know if you're up for my little challenge...I would love to see what you all come up with!


I've been so busy lately. You all know how I'm a health aide for a kindergarten class? Well we had a substitute today who was just clueless so I taught the class today! I'm sure glad I had my green tea this morning!

I'll be back with a regular post tomorrow or Friday. I went to see Ingrid Michaelson Monday night and I am so excited to share that night with you, because it was AMAZING! I'll save all the details for the post, but I'm still smiling thinking about it!

Well if you really want the details, you can cheat and visit my twitter. Hope you all are having a wonderful week!

October 17, 2010

A Perfect Sunday.

Today was the perfect Sunday. In the church parking lot, Jeff and I invented a little game. Our church was having a bbq and had one of those inflatable air dancer things, so we went went through all the radio stations to find a song that went with the dance moves. Naturally, we ended up on an electronic/dance station and couldn't stop laughing at how perfect they went together.


We spent some time at Ikea, where Jeff proved again to be the funniest person I know. He's a ball of entertainment, that boy. We walked through the entire the store the wrong way. He got so excited about a $5 wok, bought it and told me "it's the simple things" that make you happy. We furnished our future house in our imaginations. Then we went to lunch with his sister, brother in law and two nieces, then attended a birthday party for his baby cousin.

ikea arrow

Then we walked around this amazing downtown area, where I got a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and a caramel bar from the Cupcake Station. We talked about how badly we want to buy a house in that area so we can go on bike rides with our future children to the amazing restaurants downtown. Plus, if I'm going to live that close to the Cupcake Station, I'm going to need a bike! We walked by a lot of decorated scare crows. I took a picture with the bride one. I also got a compliment on my dress! I love days like today :)

Dress: Charlotte Russe/Boots: ebay/Cardis/scarf/belt/sunglasses: F21/tights: Target

Tomorrow after work, I'm going to see Ingrid Michaelson in concert with Rachael! I can't wait to share it with you all :)

October 15, 2010

Friday night tights.

So I'm so proud of myself today, I wore barney purple tights. Normally I stick to more subtle hued tights, so this was a challenge for me. When I first put them on in my room, they looked much darker. Step out in the natural light and holy wow, these babies shine. I'm normally one of those people who don't like to attract unnecessary attention to myself, but after seeing the tights in pictures, I think I may wear them again. I like the pop of color. What do you all think? Should we give the barney tights another chance?

purple tights 1

Today was a simple day in the life of Heather. Stayed in the pjs until two pm, picked up my paycheck, went to the bank, had dinner with my parents and Jeff, went to Best Buy, came home. Voila, that's just how exciting my life is, but I'm more than okay with it. I looked at SLR cameras at Best Buy and found the one I want. My cheap self is praying they go on sale for black friday! I will absolutely wait in the cold for a deal on the camera I want!

purple tights 2
Dress, belt: F21/Cardi: Target/Boots: Shoe Dept/Tights: Walmart/Purse: thrifted

So oops on the pictures today. Jeff and I ducked into an alley by our local Olga's (yum!) and I forgot to change the settings off of the night snapshot. But I loved this outfit so I really wanted to snap some quick pictures before it got too dark.

Thank you all SO much for your amazingly kind words, I'm so overjoyed with each comment I get. I seriously notify Jeff of each one because I have to share my excitement! You are all so amazing and sweet, thank you!! I want to be friends with everyone on here :)

October 13, 2010

Autumn rose.

Ah so I just have to say how HAPPY I am in life right now! I feel like everything is falling into place and I am so blessed! If any of you out there is unhappy, I'll send you hugs and share my happiness! I feel like all of us girls need to unite in one positive, lovely environment, because it sure beats being cruel to one another!

I wore this last Saturday! My weekend wasn't too eventful, but it was spent with people I love and I'm learning to cherish all of those moments.

Dress: UO/Cardigan: Charlotte Russe/Boots: Shoe Dept/Tights: Target

Today I went to meet some girls I went to college with for lunch. It was so nice to reunite and reconnect with people I haven't seen in months! I feel like I get so anti-social sometimes. There really aren't enough hours in each day! I always feel like I have so much to do and so many people to see, but I can never do it all before sunset.


Okay so I just had the best conversation with my future sister in law. I feel so truly blessed to have such an amazing woman and inspiration in my life. Jessica is Jeff's older sister, a wife, a mother, a Christian. She is one of my go-to people when I need to talk because she has such an amazing way with words! She has two beautiful little girls who capture my heart daily. I know that the day I have kids of my own, if I am ever in need of any help or relief, she would be there, no questions asked! So this is my huge thank you to Jessica. I'm so grateful to have such an amazing sister in my life! Thank you for all of your advice, prayers and love you've given me.

And thanks to all of you for all of your kind, heart warming words! Thanks so much for coming to read my random, innermost thoughts! I really appreciate every one of you :)

October 12, 2010

Guest post at Postcards From!

Check out my guest post over at Postcards From! It took a lot of work and technical difficulties, but now it's up and working! So this was my first guest post and I'm so excited that it's on Kate's amazing blog!

guest 5

So head on over to read it here! And go easy on me, I was kinda nervous! :)

October 11, 2010

Until next summer.

So I'm really behind on posting due to a computer screen problem, but I'm back! This outfit is from Friday and prepare for picture overload. This was my favorite day for pictures so far for two reasons. 1) I LOVE the way the pictures turned out, 2) Jeff and I had an absolute blast shooting them. We couldn't stop laughing, it was so much fun! In fact, our entire weekend was a lot of fun. I've come to realize that Jeff is officially the funniest person I know.

This weekend was beyond beautiful. The leaves are quickly changing to beautiful yellows, reds and oranges, which makes driving a lot more fun! We tried to spend some time outside and soak up the beautiful weather. Autumn is my absolute favorite season but it makes me so sad it's so short lived.


So I had to do one last photo shoot in front of the cornfield, luckily I did because the very next morning it was gone! I used to be terrified of cornfields, but I am so in love with this one. It's right next to Jeff's house and is so pretty when the sun sets behind it. We're having our wedding ceremony in the field next to this cornfield next August. I can't wait to see how it looks all set up for Jeff and I to become husband and wife. I have to wait 10 months, but until then I will enjoy every second of being his fiance!



So after months of blogging, I have finally learned how to make my pictures bigger. I am so so so excited about this! Thanks to flickr, my blog is finally looking much better! :)


I will leave you with some candid shots of me laughing. Jeff was making me laugh and would just keep clicking and clicking so we have pictures to show for how much fun we had. Have I mentioned how amazing he is? :)

laughing collage

October 05, 2010

Love for Meg!

So the amazing Meg from bow ties are cool has decided to make me a featured blogger. She let me know last week when I was in the dentist office and I definitely did a little happy dance in the waiting room, luckily I was the only one in there...or not luckily because maybe someone would have joined in!

So you can read my interview here. Just go easy on me, because it is my first interview. She asked some amazing questions and I had to dig deep for matching good answers. Enjoy :)

Thank you so much Meg! You are one of my favorite bloggers, so this is such an honor. And thank everyone for the sweet comments on my sick post! You are all what makes blogging so dog gone amazing!

Thank you so so so much for this Meg! This honestly means the world to me :)

October 03, 2010


So these are my sick day pictures. It's weird how all of your confidence is completely wiped out when you have a cold. I don't know if it's the fatigue, runny nose or sinus headache, but it sure has a way of kicking ya when you're down. But I feel like it's not fair to only show you what I look like on my good days! So this is me with slight bald spots in the front of my hair, a fake smile and a congested head, enjoy!

Dress: Meijer
Sweater/scarf/boots: F21
Purse: thrifted
Sweater tights: Target
Necklace: Target

I wore this to run a few errands and then I spent the day inside with my fiance and his family. Jeff made his amazing smoked chili, which was perfect for the wet, cold day. This weekend was an amazing one, even though I wasn't feeling so great. I just want to take a minute to talk about Jeff. I'm so truly grateful for him. We had to overcome a lot of things in our relationship and it took a lot of hard work, but now we get to enjoy all of the rewards. Some mornings I wake up and just think "how did I get this lucky?!" One thing is for sure, I never have to question his love for me. And even on the days I feel like my confidence is in the red zone, he somehow makes me feel beautiful. I'm so excited for next August when I get to become his wife. It feels so strange to think that I'm going to be someone's wife, but so rejuvenating at the same time. All I know is, is that our relationship would have never made it through if we didn't have God there to give us the tools we needed. I am so thankful for my fiance, my family, my life and for the One who made it all possible.

Jeff just helped me through a rough patch last tonight, so I felt he needed some recognition on my blog. He is my biggest supporter. He's also my only sponsor. I should start writing c/o Jeff below my pictures! Okay, so I'm done gushing for today. Summary: I'm very in love. :)

Oh and be sure to check out my new wikifashion page! You can access it just below the chictopia/bloglovin links.

October 02, 2010

Fall wish list.

So after 3 days of hanging out with kindergarteners, I have come down with a cold. I did take outfit pictures (I'll post them tomorrow), after I figure out which ones I look slightly alive in. Jeff is currently cooking his amazing smoked chili, so I had some time to put together a little wishlist for fall. I have three categories: shoes, outerwear and dresses.


1. Harnett Boots These will be mine soon!
2. Throwing a Herringbone Wedge
3. hit the road ankle boots


1. Fur Trimmed Jacket
2. Double Breasted Wool Plaid Coat
3. Fur Lined Parka
-All from Charlotte Russe, decisions, decisions!


1. lavender hyacinth cinched dress
2. Studying the Archives Dress
3. BDG Sweater stripe Boatneck Dress

You may be thinking "Short sleeve dresses in this cold?!" Well, these are all dresses I think would look amazing with fall colored layers. I know lavender isn't quite a fall color, but I think it could look great with burgundy or mustard yellow.

Now I'm still on the hunt for an awesome burnt orange cardigan. I have this vision in my head and I haven't found anything yet to match it. I want a mustard yellow cardigan too, but I'm sure as October drags on, more fall items will be hitting stores.

So that's a small dent in my wishlist. I'm definitely getting the Harnett boots and one of the parkas from Charlotte Russe. It seems like a parka kind of year!