So I borrowed these shoes from my coworker/friend Brittany. She wore these shoes to work the other day and I had to fight back the urge to drool on them. She said I could borrow them and wear them for my blog. (She's one of the few people in my life that know about my blog). I wanted to pair these shoes with neutral colors as to save the spotlight for my sequined toesies! Thanks Brittany for making my feet feel like shiny princesses for a day!

I will actually be returning this dress as it is so ridiculously short. I'm so disappointed in the length of most F21 dresses. I'm 5'3 and MOST of their dresses are too short for me. So upsetting because this dress is so pretty! Anyway, I hope you all have a truly gorgeous week and I look forward to seeing you all in beautiful spring outfits! xo
Dress, tights, belt: F21, Shoes: Borrowed
wow the shoes are so cute!!i love this outfit is so romantic x
I can relate on the F21 dresses. I'm only 5ft and some of their stuff is too short... Curse my boobs. Ha.
Hope your weekend has been lovely!
Love the dress. It sucks that F21 does that all the time, make dresses too short. They have a lot of cute stuff but the lengths are impossible.
i LOVE that dress. i am 5' 1" and f21 dresses are short on me but i wear them anyway. it's probably bad but i figure as long as my butt is covered i am good to go.
Those shoes! No wonder you had to fight the urge to drool on them. They're so cute! And that dress is so cute. I like it with tights, but alone it would look ridiculously short. Bummer. :(
You look beautiful! totally loving that dress xx
i'm super excited for spring too!
and those shoes are amazing!
Awe, that really sucks that you have to return that gorgeous dress! I know what you mean though, at 5'4 I still wish that dresses had an extra couple inches on them. How do the tall people do it?
Those shoes are soo pretty!! I love them paired with this dress, its so lovely. Its too bad that it's too short for you (it doesn't look too short in these pictures though!)
Great outfit!
Dude I'll buy that dress from you! It's ADORABLE. And according to Greg all my dresses are so short everyone can see my vag, so. XD
I LOVE those shoes as well, that's so sweet of your coworker to let you borrow them! They look perfect with the lighter colors. I love this whole outfit. <3
I'm so not excited for spring, considering I love cold weather and hate hot weather and overly sunny days, but... I'm kinda looking forward to wearing springy clothes!
Omg those shoes! I love them so much - the colour is so great and the sequins? C'mon!
That dress is awesome too! I'm 5"3 too and always finding F21 dresses too short. We should start a petition or something haha, it's so ridiculous!
Xo Robyn
i have kindof given up on forever21 dresses. i am almost 5'6 and most of there dresses look like shirts on me. ugh.
BUT, the dress is really cute. :P
yay for spring..except i went to cleveland this weekend and it was 35 degrees..ahhh!
have a wonderful week ahead love.
That dress is so adorable! Too bad it isn't a tad longer...I'm 5'6" and I have the same problem so often with dresses. :P
Yay spring! ♥
-- Maria E.
My friends were all talking about the same thing yesterday; F21 needs to get a clue about dress length.
i'm 5'3" and have the same problem! its a little frustrating sometimes because i find the cutest dress only to figure out i can't even bend slightly without flashing everybody... haha. i'm so excited for spring as well :) i'm sure your warmer day outfits will look great, like always!
love this sweet dress on you! :) xo
LOVE the shoes. I am the same way with XXI! I have found very few skirts long enough to my liking and im the same height. I dont know how tall girls do it, not that i would mind a little leg length!
featuring this outfit in my sunday favorites!
Awww please dun return the dress!!! It looks so super cute on you!!! :)
The Cat Hag
those shoes are a great color, maybe you should ask to keep..hehe
**now following**
jess s//LadyFlashback.com
This is so cute!! i loveeee your shoes!!!
I just ADORE those wedge sandals! I totally agree with the length of F21 dresses, they always disappoint. I just ordered a few because they gave 100% of the proceeds to Japan- so I will have to wait and see :)
oh i love the dress, what a shame its so short. so darl, i sent you an email a few days ago did you get it? was just wondering whether you'd received your vintage dresses from sunny side up yet? cos ive not heard about the one i won but dont wanna be the annoying girl going 'where is my dress!' lol xo
Awh, what a shame you have to return it! The dress is gorgeous and you look beautiful in it! I hope you find a longer alternative that is just as wonderful :)
i can't tell you how much i adore this outfit. seriously, i love that dress and THAT BELT! that has flowers on it, right?
too bad you're taking it back but i know what you mean about the dresses being too short. if i ever buy a dress, it can never be from there {which is so sad because they're always so adorable and cheap!}
i love your blog, glad i'm following! :)
Looking so cute! Love your shoes and vintage dress :)
xoxo from Hannie
it's not just F21...it's everywhere that cuts too short! i'm 5'4 and i've taken to buying mediums so i get a bit more length, but even those are sometimes too short! i'm so glad that midi and maxi lengths are coming back, because i'm so ready to go into a store and buy something i can wear without leggings underneath!
i totally dig those shoes!
so adorable. haha i'm 5'10 , I try not to bend over much ;). x hivennn p.s enter my giveaway?
this dress is lovely! too bad its too short for your liking :) you look great <3
Those shoes are fantastic. Such great detail! Do you know what brand they are?
Those shoes are sooo adorable! As is that dotted dress <33
oh noes but the dress is so pretty! maybe wear it with a longer tight fitting neutral skirt underneath?
the shoes are gorgeous. Really beautiful.
I actually think the length of the dress looks good on you. But I can imagine it's annoying when you always have to look after where it's sits. Maybe you could wear some really short shorts underneath?
love, kimi
Those shoes are perfection. x hivennn p.s enter my giveaway?
AWWWWWE I lust for this dress! I love that kind of collar!
SO thrilled that spring is here, it's been gorgeous & I'm loving it. And I'm loving your dress, boo that it has to go back. It's lovely with the tights & your (borrowed) wedges -are CUTE. xx veronika
LOVE this outfit, it's so cute! I don't think you should return it, it's gorgeous!!!!
I know what you mean about spring - I am so happy for there to be sunshine too - I just want to float about in dresses and flowers :)
loooove your dress!!!
xoxo from rome
(there's a GIVE-AWAY on my blog)
It might be short, but it's still lovely! You could always layer a skirt underneath or over the dress. Nonetheless it looks great on you!
- Meanz (Koi Story)
Those shoes are awesome!!
ah i love this outfit!
Helen, X
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