Okay so this is one of my favorite outfits ever. I thought about belting the dress, but I kind of like the baggy, free fit of it. Paired with the oversized, comfy sweater, it's no wonder I love it so much. I've also come to realize that these boots and this scarf make me love outfits so much more! Will you still read my blog if I wear these boots every day of forever? I'm tempted, but I will try to mix it up a bit, pinky promise ;)

Crossing my fingers for more pretty, sunny days. It's snowing yet again and I'm so ready for spring. Again, thank you so much for reading, I'm so happy you're here! I hope you all have a great Friday and an amazing weekend! xo
P.S. I won this photo contest on K is for Kani, so I got to pick two vintage dresses and I'm on the front page of the Sunny Sideup Vintage site, check it out here!
Target dress & cardigan, Kohl's boots, F21 scarf
Love the tights and the hemline of the skirt. And who can resist a printed dress!!
Complex Cardigans
very cute and comfy looking outfit! love the floral print and those boots!
congrats on winning the photo contest and rocking the fp of Sunny Sideup. :)
I love the new header, you're right: Tieka did an awesome job. I like your outfit here too, it's the right amount of comfy and pretty. :)
You have so many followers suddenly, good lord in heaven! I'm so glad I met you before you were popular, girl ;) I'M DRINKING WINE. YOU'RE MY BESTIE BLOGGING FRIEND. I LOVE YOOUUU.
Yayyy for Tieka and her crazy awesome design skills! Hehe. I love your header. And those boots! Ah! This whole outfit is gorgeous, Heather.
Tieka seriously did such a great job on your header! It suits you and your blog so well! And can I just say..this might be my favorite outfit Ive ever seen you wear. I love everything (everythingggg!) about it. I need that cardigan!! xo
I love this outfit, the baggy dress and that cardigan is great. I would totally wear those boots all the time too, they're gorgeous.
Firstly I am loving the header, so gorgeous! Secondly, I am LOVING that outfit, it's perfect, I love everything about it. xx veronika
heather. i will NOT read your blog if you wear those boots everyday!!! ugh..
JUST KIDDING..of course. i would love for you to wear them everyday because they are so lovely..i was actually looking for a pair like those all winter..never found them..next winter maybe.
you are beautiful and your new blog design is amazing too..
<3 yooou..xoox
Oh I definitely agree - this outfit is perfection! The boots, the cardi, the dress! Love.
lovely dress and your cardigan looks so warm!
Ever since I bought that same cardigan in blue I've been meaning to get the beige color but now that I'm out of the country I don't think I'll ever be able to get it! Ah well. I'll just have to admire it when you wear it :)
Snowed again? Wow!
Anyway...I LOVE the tights!
Its been snowing constantly here as well and I am ready for spring. Your outfit, especially with the florals makes me want spring so badly. Congratulations on your photo contest win. You will have to let us know what you pick out.
Love the dress :)
Love your dress! It's so pretty and I agree I love the new header :) x
This outfit is so cute! I especially like the dress: the lace detail at the bottom is superb! And congrats on winning the contest! :)
Martine :)
Your outfit is adorable! I also love the "bagginess" of the dress- makes it more "Boho"-ish. I am also praying for more sunny skies! I have had enough rain and snow for a lifetime!
Your blog is so lovely :) I love your outfit here, looks so cosy. Congrats on winning a photo contest, that's amazing x
I think this outfit is so cute! The colours are great together! I loveee your new header! :) Have a good weekend!
Lovely outfit, perfect for a snow day.
Ah, Heather I LOVE THIS OUTFIT! Seriously, this looks like the comfiest thing known to man. I just bought a cardi like that too, so this is some gooood inspiration.
Congrats on winning the giveaway! You'd better show us which dresses you picked :]
Your boots are so amazing, they look like they would be easy to style up with a lot of different things. The new header looks great! Oh and congrats on finding a wedding dress!
ahh this outfit is soooo sweet. love the color combo
Congrats on photo contest and feature! :)
Looking lovely, that scarf is always great on you and the new header looks awesome!
Such a cute outfit! Lovin' those boots!
Adorable blog! :)
I love this look! I am wearing a baggy sweater like that right now :) I really love all the colors of this look, very sweet!
Great header, it pulls together the colors of your blog very well :)
this ensemble is lovely dear! love the layering <3
thanks for your sweet comment on my blog too! following you now :) xxx
your blog and these shots are fantastic!
love love love your style!
these pics look so cute!! i absolutely adore your dress :)
wow, congrats on winning the contest! i LOVE those boots...i like to see feminine pieces with boots. it's ok to have favorites! i think my readers are getting sick of my jessica simpson danys :)
Your new header look incredible. It suits your blog very well.
I adore this look. Grey and brown are my favorite neutrals to mix!!
Love your outfit!! Your pictures are awesome!
I'm deff following!
check out my blog when you get a chance?!
love the look, its really sweet and so is your hair style.
glad I found your blog
great as always!
Beautiful. Header and Girl. :) Enjoy the boots and scarf now because hopefully soon it will be too sweaty to wear them comfortably! That's what I'm rooting for anyway.
This outfit looks so comfortable. I love the floral dress with those dreamy boots. Beautiful! xoxo
I love the sunny photos and you look lovely!
Oh you and your blog. You're such a charming girl. From your head to your toes, absolute beauty!
I'll follow you :)*
love amy ^.^
i love your style :) comfortable but still so cute. btw, i've been following your blog for a while and saw your tweet about how expensive weddings are. i'm getting married this year (i'm 20 and my fiance is 21) and it's all so overwhelming. of course, i can't wait till the day comes but its a lot to plan and pay for! so i'm here if you ever wanna discuss wedding things :)
pretty dress!
lovely blog here, hello from LadyFlashback.com
jess s//LF
I have this dress too! It's one of my favorites and looks gorgeous on you. I love your pairing with the comfy tan sweater. It inspired a new outfit for me. =)
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