Then: We were young, immature, selfish, stupid and in love.

Now: We are young, immature, selfless, smart* and in love.
We may not have the perfect love story, and it may not be easy all the time, but I am so glad I have Jeff in my life! Jeff and I completely balance each other out. I'm an optimistic, day dreamer with my head in the clouds. Jeff is an easy going, realist who keeps me grounded. We give each other exactly what we need and we have fun doing it. We have our rough days, but even then, I'm head over heels for this boy. He can drive me crazy and keep me sane all at the same time! I can't wait to live with this boy, we are going to have such a blast!
At the end of each day I feel completely blessed. My heart is so full of love, I swear I feel like it's going to burst out of my chest sometimes. I'm incredibly grateful for every smile, every kiss and every moment we share. Happy anniversary to my very best friend and the love of my life!. I can't wait to become your wife so you're stuck with me forever and ever, muahaha! ;)
WEDDING UPDATE: I BOUGHT MY DRESS!!! I'm so thrilled to be able to cross this off my list! I was seriously stressing because of the time crunch, but I found the most beautiful lace dress! It's absolutely perfect and I can't wait for Jeff to see it on our wedding day!
*Depends on who you ask ;)
Oh, I love this post so much... love the love! Happy Anniversary, so lovely that you have a wedding dress too. I feel like I have to call my boy now to tell him how awesome he is! Have a great day x
Happy Anniversary to both of you! Isn't the 3rd anniversary amazing? My boyfriend and I had it in mid December and it felt like we've been together for more! Ahh, you are just gorgeous together! And I had to laugh so loud about you being a dreamer and he the realist..like myself and my boyfriend, haha!
This post makes me so happy! I love you and Jeff together, you look so cute and you have such an awesome balance in personalities. Congrats on 3 years! <3
Did you go to the BBC wedding shows? x
So happy for you both! I can't wait to see pictures of your dress :)
aw this is so sweet! and congrats on finding your dress - that is a HUGE thing to cross off your list :)
happy anniversary love!
you two are so cute. love is a wonderful thing! <3
the husband and i are COMPLETE opposites. COMPLETELY!!!! it works out perfectly though. :)
This post made my heart so happy. I absolutely love love! I hope you have a great anniversary, despite the fact that you had to work all day today. Gavin and mine's 3 year anniversary is in May...so maybe this time next year we'll be in you and Jeff's position ;] Engaged! Haha, we'll see.
happy anniversary :) xo
Awh congratulations ^_^
so many great things!!!
This post is so so sooo cute!! I love reading about relationships and love. It makes my heart sing for my own husband. <3 Can't wait to see your wedding photos.
You guys are so adorable together. I just celbrated my 3 year anniversary with my fiance too! I hope everything continues to get better and better for you two.
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