So our wedding theme is Summer Love ;) I want to bring in a lot of summer time elements, and what's more summertime than colorful pinwheels? I looked up some DIY instructions on how to do this, but I found that my way is a lot quicker and easier because I took away some steps! So let's get started.
1) Pretty scrapbook paper (12x12)
2) Scissors
3) Straight pins
Wooden Dowel Rods
5) Ribbon (optional)
6) Glue stick (maybe)
7) Wire cutters
8) Tape

Step by Step.
1) Cut your paper into four even pieces. You should get four 6x6 squares. If your paper is double sided, step one is complete. If your paper is printed on one side but white on the other, just glue two pieces together, pretty sides out. Now you are ready for step two.
2) On other DIY sites, they tell you to do all this measuring and marking. To be honest, this step can be completely skipped and you'll save a lot of time. Take your scissors and start at each corned and cut diagnolly. You'll want to leave a square inch UNCUT in the middle. It should like like this:
3) Take your push pin and stick it in one of the four corners like so...

Go around your pinwheel and put the pin through every other corner like this:
4) Stick the pin through the middle of the pinwheel like this:
5) Add some ribbons to the back of the pinwheel.
6) Stick the pin through the dowel. Be careful not to poke yourself. Sometimes the dowel will split a little, but the pinwheel will cover it, so don't worry! Use wire cutters to trim the tip off the needle in back and use a piece of tape to hold in place.
And now you have a pretty pinwheel.

One of my bridesmaids and I made 24 of these beauties yesterday in a little over an hour. Not too shabby for first timers. Now they will just make my living room look happy until the wedding day. These are going to line the aisle as we walk down, I can't wait. Less than two months now <3