January 15, 2011

Guest Post: Bow Ties Are Cool

Hiya guys, it is I, Meg, from Bow Ties Are Cool. I'm lurking over here on Heather's blog as she is too much of a lazy lump to make her own blog posts this week, so poor Kate and myself were forced to fill in. Sigh.

...NO BUT SERIOUSLY. I was beyond honored to be asked by Heather to write a guest post, because she is such an amazing blogger friend and I want to be as pretty as her one day!

Well when Heather asked me to write a guest post for her, she suggested I write about something that inspires me day to day in the extremely exciting and madcap life of mine. So I thought about it, and after much consideration, I decided that in the spirit of being a Super Geek I may as well admit it: Magic. That's what inspires me every day.

Yep, magic. I still believe magic is real, and one day we'll realize we can speak to each other telepathically and fly around using only our minds, but that's more like a wacko scientific theory than anything. Anyway. Magic is something I think about every day. I think about it when I read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (an incredible book that you ought to read), about rival magicians in Regency England. I think of magic when I play Magic: The Gathering, or roll my trusty twelve-sided dice during a Dungeons & Dragons session.

It's not just silly nerd games that get me all riled over magic. It's the little things in life, the things that some people might attribute to a higher power. They're like little magic pods that burst with gold happy light. Like when you realize exactly what you want to do in life, and that realization makes you so happy you could cry, that's magic to me. Or when you're hugging the one person you love more than anything else in the world, and your heart fills up so much that you feel like you could pulverize an entire planet with a love-beam shot out of your eyes, that's magic.

I'm constantly reading about it, writing about it, drawing it, or feeling it. It's a constant part of my life, magic. If you don't believe in it, your life is just that much more devoid of unicorns. So read more fantasy novels, guys! Just sayin'!


Sands said...

Awww this post was too cute, thanks Meg! It brought me back to the good old days of childhood for a moment :P


essentially aimee said...

Makes me think of the song "Do You Belive In Magic." Good jam! I totally believe that one day, teleporting or something will totally be done. This is such a cute post. Checking out your blog now because I've never heard about it until now... Shame! Hope all's well to you all.


gee said...

perfect post Meg!
i def. believe in magic..
i also believe that dr. who will be waiting for me outside one night and him and i will travel through time in the tardis and do "magical" things.. :)
also, i believe in magic because somehow, someway we all "meet" each other through blogging..awww!

you look beautiful.

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

adorable outfit Meg! i love this entry. Magic really does exist but I'm a little scared of it! anyway These shots of you are so cool!! Love your outfit so much!!

I'm with Gee. . .I hope the Doctor is going to show up in my home one day so that I can have a safe journey into space (wonder if he allows kids in his TARDIS or not).

Shibby said...

Love this post!

I definitely still believe in magic and when you're rolling that d10 the magic is all you have :)

Amanda said...

Love this post! And yay magic! I love that it inspires you, instead of fancy runways and expensive designers. Magic is so much better.

And I LOVEEE the colors of this outfit. Ah, it's perfect!